• 2310 443441 - 2310 444704
  • 09.00 - 17.00

Organic Beauty Cosmetics
Organic Beauty Products / Anti-Aging / Make Up / Hair Care / Essential Oils

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Organic Tea - Black Tea Orient Express

A luxuriant blend of black teas from China, flavoured with cocoa beans and orange.

CODE: 40823
BARCODE: 40823-100gr
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A luxuriant blend of black teas from China, flavoured with cocoa beans and orange. First to make their appearance are the aromas of chocolate and cocoa, followed by the bittersweet scent of orange peel, with notes of vanilla, carrot and sugared almonds. A favourite combination that you are sure to enjoy!

              • festiveMOOD


              • richTASTE PROFILE


              • cinnamon and clovesAROMA

                cinnamon and cloves

              • cherry tartFOOD PAIRING

                cherry tart

              tea route
              Tea Route

              CAROBCarob is a natural sweetener rich in protein, vitamins and other nutritional ingredients. As the pods all have exactly the same weight, they were used in Antiquity as a measurement unit for precious metals. Today, the word carat is derived from the Greek keration (carob pod)

  • 1 tsp
  • 4-5 min
  • 95°C

Star anise