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Milestone In Health and Nutrition - 100% BIO Pomegranate Extract Vegan Ca, K

Bronze Medal Healthy Diet Awards 2020

CODE: milestone01
BARCODE: 5200122711999
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100% BIO Pomegranate Extract originating from the variety Punica Granatum L.. Many of its properties are attributed to its high polyphenol content. High in calcium, potassium and iron.

Ideal for:


•Adults and kids

•People experiencing increased tiredness and fatigue symptoms

•People with low hematocrit levels

•People with high blood pressure

•Vegetarian and vegan

•Homeopathic use



Receive orally 10ml daily. Use the dosage cup contained in the package. Alternatively add it to smoothies/juices or raw in your salads and vegetables. No added sugars, sweeteners, artificial colors, preservatives.



Plant Source Latin Name:  Punica Granatum L.

Product Specification: >3000mg/kg Polyphenols; 1.5mg ellagic acid; >7000mg/kg potassium; >7000mg/kg calcium; >150mg/kg iron.

Part used: Epicarp, mesocarp, endocarp (peel, seeds, and arils).


The fruit is comprised of peel (pericarp), seeds, and arils. About 50% of the total weight of the pomegranate corresponds to the peel, which is an important source of bioactive compounds such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, ellagitanines, proanthocyanidins, minerals: potassium, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium as well as polysaccharides. The edible part of the pomegranate (50%) consists of 40% of the pericarp and 10% of the seeds. The pericardium contains 85% water, 10% total sugars, mainly fructose and glucose, 1.5% pectin, ascorbic acid, citric acid, malic acid, and bioactive compounds such as phenolic acids, flavonoids and anthocyanins. The seeds contain anthocyanin, polyphenols, tannin, kesetol, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid, sterols, tocopherols and other bioactive substances.



Produced with slow technological practices, 100% bio certified, first cold pressure, processed under vacuum.



Always consult your doctor if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, undergoing medication or experiencing health problems.



The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 15ml of pomegranate extract and within a healthy and balanced diet and nutrition. This product contains at least: 7000 mg/kg of calcium, 7000 mg/kg of potassium and 150mg/kg of iron.


Calcium contributes to*:

•Normal blood clotting

•Normal energy-yielding metabolism

•Normal muscle function

•Normal neurotransmission

•The normal function of digestive enzymes

 - Calcium has a role in the process of cell division and specialisation

 - Calcium is needed for the maintenance of normal bones and teeth


Potassium contributes to*:

•Normal functioning of the nervous system

•The maintenance of normal blood pressure

•Normal muscle function


Iron contributes to*:

•Normal cognitive function

•Normal energy-yielding metabolis

•Normal formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin

•Normal oxygen transport in the body

•The normal function of the immune system

•The reduction of tiredness and fatigue

 - Iron has a role in the process of cell division


* The above are official health claims from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Each 15 ml serving of MILESTONE Pomegranate extract contains 15% of the NRV** for Calcium and 6% of the NRV** for Potassium and 16% of the NRV** for Iron. NRV**: Nutrient Reference Value

Certified by the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly.



Pomegranate extract is often quite sweet, slightly hypoxic and tart due to the high concentration of polyphenols. You can maximize the antioxidant health benefit if you combine it with MILESTONE® BIO High Phenolic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, one of the most antioxidant bio olive oils internationally.


Storage: Keep in a dark and cool place. Ideally stored between

10°C -15°C.


Please note: The above information only intends to inform the consumer on the health associated benefits of the daily consumption of pomegranate extract. It is not intended for disorienting the consumer or for promoting this product.



Antonio Torregrosa-García, Vicente Ávila-Gandía, Antonio J Luque-Rubia, María Salud Abellán-Ruiz, María Querol-Calderón, F Javier López-Román. (2019). Pomegranate Extract Improves Maximal Performance of Trained Cyclists after an Exhausting Endurance Trial: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Nutrients.Mar 28; 11(4).

Bell C, Hawthorne S. (2008). Ellagic acid, pomegranate and prostate cancer - a mini review. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. Feb; 60(2):139-44.

Erica J Roelofs, Abbie E Smith-Ryan, Eric T Trexler, Katie R Hirsch, Meredith G Mock (2017). Effects of pomegranate extract on blood flow and vessel diameter after high-intensity exercise in young, healthy adults. European Journal of Sport Science. April; 17(3):317-325.

Johanningsmeier SD, Harris GK. Pomegranate as a functional food and nutraceutical source. (2011). Annual Review of Food Science and Technology. 2:181-201.

Ismail T, Sestili P, Akhtar S. (2012). Pomegranate peel and fruit extracts: a review of potential anti-inflammatory and anti-infective effects. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2012;143(2):397-3405.

Manthou, E., Georgakouli, K., Deli, C. K., Sotiropoulos, A., Fatouros, I. G., Kouretas, D., Haroutounian, S., Matthaiou, C., Koutedakis, Y.,Jamurtas, A. Z. (2017). Effect of pomegranate juice consumption on biochemical parameters and complete blood count. Experimental and therapeutic medicine, 14(2), 1756-1762.

Mertens-Talcott SU, Jilma-Stohlawetz P, Rios J, Hingorani L and Derendorf H. (2006). Absorption, metabolism, and antioxidant effects of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) polyphenols after ingestion of a standardized extract in healthy human volunteers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54, 8956-8961.

Sreeja Sreekumar, Hima Sithul, Parvathy Muraleedharan, Juberiya Mohammed Azeez, and Sreeja Sreeharshan. (2014). “Pomegranate Fruit as a Rich Source of Biologically Active Compounds,” BioMed Research International, vol. 2014.

Storage: Keep in a dark and cool place. Ideally stored between 10°C -15°C.

Receive orally 10ml daily. Use the dosage cup contained in the package. Alternatively add it to smoothies/juices or raw in your salads and vegetables.

No added sugars, sweeteners, artificial colors, preservatives.


Plant Source Latin Name:  Punica Granatum L.

Product Specification: >3000mg/kg Polyphenols; 1.5mg ellagic acid; >7000mg/kg potassium; >7000mg/kg calcium; >150mg/kg iron.

Part used: Epicarp, mesocarp, endocarp (peel, seeds, and arils).