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Organic Beauty Cosmetics
Organic Beauty Products / Anti-Aging / Make Up / Hair Care / Essential Oils

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Alteya Organics - Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil

USDA Certified Organic

CODE: 3800219791396
BARCODE: 3800219791396
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Tea Tree Oil has wonderful properties that makes it a popular natural agent for curing all three types of infectious organisms: fungus, bacteria, and virus. More importantly, it is known to effectively fight a number of infections that are resistant to some antibiotics.

Therefore, Tea Tree Oil is an excellent natural remedy for hundreds of bacterial and fungal skin ailments such as acne, abscess, oily skin, blisters, sun burns, athlete’s foot, warts, herpes, insect bites, rashes, dandruff and other minor wounds and irritations.

Studies have shown that Tea Tree Oil also treats respiratory problems ranging from common sore throats, coughs and runny nose to severe conditions such as asthma, tuberculosis, and bronchitis.

The anti-viral properties of the oil fight many common infectious diseases such as chicken pox, shingles and measles, flu, cold sores and verrucae.

It also strengthens the body’s immune system, which is often weakened by stress, illness, or by the use of antibiotics and other drugs.

It can also be used as a mouth wash, since it is highly effective in healing oral candidiasis (a fungal infection of mouth and throat).


Certified organic by USDA NOP.

A common use of Tea Tree Oil is as a natural Acne treatment.

Tea Tree Oil has also been used for the treatment of Boils or Carbuncles.

Tea Tree Oil help treat toenail fungus infections. Simply apply 1 to 2 drops of the oil directly onto the infected toenails and rub it above and under the tip of the nail. Repeat this once per day.

Tea Tree Oil can be used as a very effective treatment for Genital Warts.

Tea Tree Oil, when used as a mouth wash, acts as a natural cure for bad breath, oral candidiasis, gingivitis, plaque, and inflamed gums. It also kills mouth bacteria prior to dental surgery and also reduces mouth irritation that is often caused by dental procedures.


– Add 3 drops of Tea Tree Oil to a cup of warm water.

– Use the solution as a mouthwash two to three times daily.

– Always spit out the Tea Tree Oil mouthwash. Do not swallow it.

– You may also add 1 drop of Tea Tree Oil to toothpaste when brushing teeth.


Tea Tree Oil can be combined with a simple steam inhalation technique to naturally cure congestion, sore throat, chest infections, and clearing up mucus:

Fill a large cooking pot or bowl with water. Bring the water to a boil. Remove the pot from the stove and add 2 to 3 drops of Tea Tree Oil into it. Cover your head with a towel and lean over the top of the bowl so that the long ends of the towel are hanging down at the two sides of the bowl. Inhale the vapors for about 5-10 minutes. Repeat the process each night before going to bed until symptoms are cured completely. If symptoms persist for more than 5 days it is best to consult your doctor.

Diluted in water, Tea Tree Oil is an effective treatment for canker sores and laryngitis:

Add 3-4 drops of Tea Tree Oil to one cup of warm water. Gargle this solution twice daily. Do not swallow. Studies have shown that shampoos with 5% of Tea Tree Oil can cure dandruff and help get rid of head lice. Tea Tree Oil can also be used as an effective Home Remedy for Yeast Infection Treatment.


Pregnant and breast-feeding women should avoid the use of Tea Tree Oil.



Undiluted Tea Tree Oil can cause itchiness, irritation, and redness on sensitive skin. Therefore, if you have sensitive skin, it is always safer to dilute the oil in another base oil such as olive oil. Pure Tea Tree Oil should never be taken internally in its undiluted form. Extra care should be taken when using it near the eyes, genitals, or even as a mouthwash. If taken internally, Tea Tree Oil can result in diarrhea, vomiting, impaired immune function, excessive drowsiness, sleepiness, confusion, poor coordination, and even coma. If you notice any of these symptoms of overdose, seek medical attention immediately.



Essential oils are highly concentrated natural substances and should be treated with respect and caution.

They should never be used neat on the skin with the exception of a few essential oils when advised by an aromatherapist.

Essential Oils should be diluted into a carrier oil for use on the skin at a ratio of 5 drops in total of essential oil to 10ml (one dessert spoonfull) of carrier oil for bodies.

5 drops to 10ml for face, neck and children.

Only certain essential oils are suitable for babies and they should be mixed at 2 drops to 10ml of carrier oil.

Please take care to keep essential oils out of the reach of children.

If you are pregnant, suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease or any medical condition, please seek advice before use.

Likewise, if you have very sensitive skin, it would be advisable to seek advice or carry out a patch test on a small area of skin before use.

Melaleuca alternifolia