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Organic Beauty Cosmetics
Organic Beauty Products / Anti-Aging / Make Up / Hair Care / Essential Oils

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Organic hair dyes - the best choice for essential care!

Organic hair dyes - the best choice for essential care!

Every day we look for a healthy lifestyle, both in food and in care products!

Hair dyes are essential for the care of our appearance όμως but can our hair really be cared for?


Molecules of permanent hair dyes remain in the hairs for months, maybe longer…

If permanent hair dyes having chemicals are used the chemical molecules penetrate the cuticle by damaging the cuticle layer and remain in hairs for months. Damaged cuticle results in moisture loss.

Thus restoring moisture is always part of a hair loss solution.         

It’s better to use organic permanent hair dyes. So, the molecules that remain in hairs for months will be organic and these molecules diffuses into hair instead of damaging cuticle and hence will not cause any damage to hairs.

Natural hair colour VS chemical hair colour

Natural Hair Colour:

  • Colour hair by coating the hair shaft.
  • Provides thickness to hair and stay stick as a semi - permanent colour.
  • The next application again does the same and results as increase in strength and shine to your hair.


Chemical Hair Colour:

  • Contains bleaching agents such as Ammonia and / or peroxide which damage the outer most layer and create capillaries in hair shaft.
  • The next application again does the same on hair shaft.
  • Result in loss of strength, roughness and permanent damage to hair. 



Application Method of Organic Hair Color


Preparation - Quantity required:

  • 20-30gr. - for short hair
  • 40-60gr. - for shoulder length hair (medium hair)
  • 70-100gr. - for waist length (long hair)
  • Take the required amount of powder depending on the length of the hair as mentioned above.
  • Add warm water to the organic hair dye in 1: 3 ratio (1 part organic hair dye and 3 parts water)
  • Adjust the amount of water as needed to achieve a yogurt or ketchup density.
  • Apply the paste starting from the roots and spread evenly on the edge



Application: starting from the roots, apply paste to the hair immediately after mixing. Gray hair may require a heavier paste application. Use the bath cap to cover the hair after the paste is applied evenly.

Finish: wait at least 60 minutes after applying the paste. If you want a darker color, leave the paste to act for a longer time. It is safe to leave the paste on the hair for two or three hours. The heat can also be applied with a hair dryer during this period to intensify the effects.

Rinse: after 60 minutes or more as desired, rinse hair with running water until water drains. No need for shampoo. Styling and drying the hair as you wish.



Q.: What is Organic Hair Color?

A.: Organic Hair color do not have any synthetic ingredients. It is made with certified organic ingredients (herbs). It can be used personally and professionally.


Q.: Can it be used on my synthetic colored hair?

A.: Yes you can use Organic Hair Colors if your hair have already been treated to synthetic colors / dyes. sometime you have to apply 2 -3 time on hair with interval of 24  hours, between each application, especially if health of your hair is not good or too much treated with chemicals in past, It neutralizes the bad effect first.


Q.: Is it certified or not?

A.: Yes it is certified by France based world’s leading Organic certification company ECOCERT.


Q.: How much time it will take to color my hair?

A.: You have to leave the paste of organic hair color for at least for 60 minutes. Because it is 100% natural made of just herbs. Longer you leave on hair better it is.


Q.: How long will this color last?

A.: Last for 2-4 week, depending on health and condition of your hair.


Q.: Does it stain the skin?

A.: No, it does not.


Q.: Will I get the actual color shade?

A.: Color may vary person to person depending on health & condition of your hair.

A.: Can it be applied on Man too?

A.: Yes, very well. This Hair Color can be used by man and women both.


Q.: Can I get part of my hair colored?

A.: Yes, you can color a part of your hair.


Q.: Can it be allergic to someone?

A.: No, as it is made of herbs only. But in rare case if a person is allergic to herbs, they may get effected.