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Organic Beauty Cosmetics
Organic Beauty Products / Anti-Aging / Make Up / Hair Care / Essential Oils

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Why Choose a Biological Sunscreen?

Why Choose a Biological Sunscreen?
What does Vegetable, Natural and Organic Sunscreen mean?

https://www.organicbrands.gr/el/products/1/face/19/sunscreensWe suggest you choose organic sunscreens for the following reasons

- They are subject to strict controls.

- They awaken the consumer consciousness.
-It is completely safe and compatible with our body
-Do not contain dangerous ingredients such as parabens etc…
-It is completely safe for the skin.
-They have not been tested on animals.
- They are extremely effective.
-Respect the environment.


The fact that they are composed of plant ingredients with excellent healing properties, without "suspicious" chemicals, means that they act in harmony with the normal functions of our body, promoting the health and radiance of the skin and hair.

They are extremely effective

  • Each cosmetic consists of two types of ingredients: active and inactive.
  • Active are those that have a positive effect on the skin.
  • Inactives only help in the stability and texture of the composition and are often suspected of various side effects.


In addition, the skin's natural defenses often block "foreign" substances, thus preventing the penetration of the cosmetic, and therefore its effectiveness. Organic cosmetics do not contain inactive ingredients, so their active ingredients are better absorbed, which is why their results are remarkable.


  • They do not contain dangerous ingredients

 Biological sunscreens do not contain dangerous ingredients and harmful chemicals, such as ammonia, parabens, silicone, lead, etc ...


  • They respect the environment

Organic sunscreens are biodegradable. This means that after you throw them in the trash, their components are digested by the environment without burdening the earth and the aquifer. The reason is that they do not contain harmful chemicals, e.g. petrochemicals and their derivatives, solvents, such as propylene glycol, or irritating surfactants, such as SLS, and their packaging is usually recyclable.


  • They are subject to strict controls

Organic sunscreens are based on bioactive ingredients, ie ingredients from certified organic crops, which do not use pesticides, insecticides, chemical fertilizers and genetically modified organisms. Quality controls are carried out throughout the production process, while animal testing is explicitly prohibited.


  • They are economical

As with conventional sunscreens, so with organic ones, the price range depends on the rarity of their materials, the country of origin, the way they are processed, the packaging, etc. However, the price of organic sunscreens in terms of their processing, quality and efficiency is more economical than that of conventional ones (value for money).


  • They awaken the consumer consciousness

Many biological sunscreens are certified by international independent organizations, such as the Fair Trade Organization, Eco Ethical etc.


  • They are not tested on animals.

Organic sunscreens are not tested on animals. A very important fact for the sensitized consumer with a point of view.



Many conventional sunscreens contain toxic chemicals either in the form of artificial fragrances or in the form of petroleum products (parabens, etc.) that are used as stabilizers.
These substances are absorbed by the skin causing skin diseases or damage to our immune system.


Natural or biological sunscreens? What's the difference...
A sunscreen that has natural ingredients does not mean that it is organic. Organic sunscreens, just like food, have a certification stamp on their packaging from organic certification bodies.

What does plant, what natural and what biological sunscreen mean?

  • Sunscreen with natural ingredients

Sometimes they are synthetic biotechnology products, ie they are made of synthetic substances that mimic that of physics.


  • Herbal sunscreen

Most of their raw materials come from plants and herbs, but without excluding chemicals. Herbal cosmetics may contain heavy metals, carcinogens, pesticides etc ...



  • Natural sunscreen

All their ingredients come from nature, without being processed. However, chemical fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides and other dangerous substances may have been used to grow the raw materials.


  • Organic sunscreen

Certified products with ingredients from organic crops. It is the only cosmetic that does not contain chemicals. In short, organic cosmetics are just like natural cosmetics, except that herbs and other ingredients come from organic crops.



What should we watch out for?

We are looking for the certification stamp on the package. The seal is the only way to identify organic products. If there is no certification mark, then the cosmetic can not be sold as an organic product.
Carefully read the ingredients on the package. Usually first on the list are those that exist in a larger percentage and follow the rest. For example, if a product states that it contains organic fruits, then they should be at the top of the list.

Check the expiration date. The shelf life of organic cosmetics is specific and possibly shorter than conventional ones because they do not contain chemical preservatives.

We suggest you:


BIOEARTH Sun Face Cream With Protection Index SPF30 / Facial Sun Cream With SPF30

BIOEARTH Sun Face Cream With Protection Index SPF50 / Facial Sun Cream With SPF50

BIOEARTH Sun High Protection Body Sunscreen


Sukin Soft Textured Sunscreen With & Without Color SPF30


The Organic Pharmacy Face & Body Sunscreen SPF30


Alteya Organics Organic Sunscreen Face Cream, Lightly Colored with SPF30 & SPF25

Happy Summer...
Which organic sunscreen will you wear this summer?


  • Discover highly certified Organic Facial Sunscreens by clicking HERE!
  • High quality body sunscreen see HERE!