• 2310 443441 - 2310 444704
  • 09.00 - 16.30

Organic Beauty Cosmetics
Organic Beauty Products / Anti-Aging / Make Up / Hair Care / Essential Oils

ORDER BY PHONE 2310 443441 & 2310 444704


The Miraculous Oil with the Precious Nutrients!

Castor oil can do wonders for your skin and hair, as it is packed with vital nutrients such as vitamin E, minerals and proteins, which are needed.

Helps reduce skin inflammation and treat several skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. Keeps skin moisturized and fights wrinkles.


1. Hair Loss: Castor oil is known for its ability to cure hair loss and thinning hair. Apply castor oil on the scalp and gently massage. Leave it for half an hour and then rinse with a mild shampoo.

2. Hair growth: Castor oil promotes hair growth and can be used as an oil to thicken hair. Due to the thickness of the oil, you can mix it with coconut oil to make it easier to apply. Apply the oil and leave it overnight. Rinse the next day.

3. Scalp Health: To nourish and maintain your hair, it is important to gently massage your scalp at regular intervals. Just put your fingers in a bowl of hot castor oil and massage from the roots to the ends. This way the scalp gets rid of bacterial and fungal infections and dandruff.

4. Damaged hair: The high content of vitamin E in castor oil is ideal for dry and brittle hair, as it reverses any damage caused to the hair. Use it once a week.


5. Separate the ends: Apply a small drop of castor oil only on the ends of the hair to add shine and softness as well as to heal the damaged ends.

6. Anti-aging oil: To help prevent and treat wrinkles and fine lines, apply a very thin layer of organic castor oil all over the face and using slow, steady movements on the skin, massage deep into your pores. Take your time and focus on your problem areas. Leave it for a few minutes and rinse.

7. Natural conditioner: Add a drop of oil to your hair conditioner and apply it on your hair. Let the product sit for about 15 minutes. Rinse carefully.

8. Glowing Skin: Organic extra virgin castor oil helps cleanse the skin, moisturizes and detoxifies making it softer.

9. Shiny lips: Apply a small amount of castor oil to add shine and moisture to dry lips.

10. Thick lashes and eyebrows: For thicker lashes and eyebrows, apply the extra virgin castor oil. Use a cotton ball to apply castor oil on your lashes and eyebrows. Leave it for a day. You will soon be blessed with thicker lashes and eyebrows.

11. "Erases" scars and scars: Treat scars and spots naturally using 100% pure castor oil. With continued use, fatty acids can penetrate the skin tissue, rejuvenate it and reduce the appearance of any scars.

12. Gentle hands: Castor oil can be used to massage your hands and to treat wrinkles. You can also use it as a night cream for waking up with softer hands.

13. Regenerating Oil: Apply castor oil on your skin and nails every night before bed. Softens the skin and prevents the formation of cracks on the nails.

14. Stretch marks & cellulite: Apply castor oil on stretch marks and massage for a few minutes before rinsing with warm water.

15. Dry heels: Castor oil softens hard and dry heels. Apply enough oil. Then cover your feet with socks and leave it on for about an hour or overnight.


You will find Organic Cold Pressed Castor Oil HERE !!!