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Benefits of Facial Gymnastics

Benefits of Facial Gymnastics
Facial gymnastics to give strength and youth to your face!

We exercise to tone and beautify our arms, legs, abdomen and others, but often we forget that we have many face muscles, and it is very important to strengthen them and keep them in fit, so we can prevent premature aging and improve the support and contour the skin of the face.

To keep the face in shape, with strength and youth, there is no need to hire or invest in expensive treatments or surgery while taking in the matter at a good time.

There are many natural and home care that would be sufficient to keep the face always beautiful and young, as proper food, good humor, and good hydration and adequate dose of facial gymnastics.

Benefits of Facial Gymnastics

As time passes, we realize that the skin of the face becomes thinner and loses elasticity and strength, which leads to wrinkles and flaccid and opaque face, which we can fight with the facial gymnastics, which has proven to be an excellent resource to keep the face young and healthy.

Gymnastics consists of simple facial exercises to strengthen and maintain healthy and vigorous facial muscles, which are responsible for maintaining the natural beauty of your features. With the facial gymnastics you can retard aging and prevent wrinkles.

Just with the help of your hands and lots of practice and care you will reduce wrinkles, relax and restore your expression freshness and a healthy color to the skin of your face.

To begin routine:

  • You must consider that the best time for these exercises is at night, because you will not be rushed and enjoy more relaxation exercises.
  • Buy a good moisturizer or a special oil for your skin type, and apply each time you perform the exercises.
  • Before starting, wash your face and hands well (ideally after showering, when your skin is better hydrated), and apply a moisturizer. Start slowly and do not exercise violently, but allows the muscles to be heated, so no hurt or your skin or your muscles, because this would cause the opposite effect.
  • You must do these exercises at least twice a week during seasons of stress, and once a week relaxing at times.
  • To enhance the effects of massage, apply a mask after the skin type you have, because it is a very favorable time to take advantage of the nutrients of the masks because of the stimulation of blood circulation in the skin.

Routine: So get to work! Here we will give a clear explanation, you will do very simple exercises.

  • Forehead: Place three fingers of your right hand on the forehead and then contract the muscles up and down the brow, so that the fingers go up and down.
  • Eye lids: With the head upright and breathe exhaled. With the lungs empty eyebrows rose as much as possible. Retain this position by counting to five. Then relax and repeat.Without dark circles: open your eyes in a relaxed way, put both index fingers on the lower eyelid. Inhale, and exhale, try closing your eyes while your fingers are opposed to the movement by holding the skin.
  • Cheeks: with hands on cheeks, carry lips forward as much as possible, while pushing the hands of the jaw muscles gently back.
  • Eye lids: Close your eyes and place the index finger and thumb on the outside corner of the eyelid. Open your eyes with your fingers and stretch the skin up and down. Then gently try to close your eyes.
  • Upper lip: Put your thumbs on the upper lip and gently press against the gum, while trying to push lip forward.
  • Neck: with the mouth closed and your hands from the cuffs closed with the exception of the thumbs, and recharge your chin to fit between your thumbs and your fists. Open and close the mouth slowly while on the other side with your thumbs, push your chin up. Open mouth and close, do it slowly, while still pushing with your thumbs.
  • Chin: with either right-back, cross your arms in front and stretch your neck forward until you feel how taut the skin. Turn your head slowly to the right and leave a few seconds and without lowering your chin toward your shoulder. Then turn left and keep it there a few seconds. Relax.

And finally, we recommend you take a lot of vegetable juices and fresh fruits, which help nourish your skin from within and make your skin always looks very healthy.



source: biomanantial.com