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Diaper Rash Powder for Yeast Infection

Diaper Rash Powder for Yeast Infection

If you suspect your baby’s diaper rash could be caused by yeast, then it’s better to steer clear of the arrowroot powder, for the time being. The same applies to any cornstarch-based natural baby powders, by the way. This is because yeast thrives off starches, and can make the rash worse. So what are you going to use instead? Why, bentonite clay, of course!


  •     White clay – ½ cup
  •     Tea tree essential oil – 6 drops
  •     Lavender essential oil – 3 drops


  •     Place all the ingredients in a jar and do the shakey-shakey. Make sure the jar is closed, of course, and shake vigorously until all the ingredients are properly distributed.
  •    Store what you’ll be using for the next week or so in a powder puff container, as mentioned above. The rest can be kept in the jar and taken out as needed.
  •    Dust the baby’s bottom lightly with the clay powder. A little goes a long way with this one.


*The powders can keep going strong for up to a year. Remember if you notice any sign of deterioration, or molding, in any of your homemade items, don’t give it the benefit of doubt – trash it immediately.  To help your products keep well longer, always use dry, clean hands when using.

Got an upcoming baby shower that you have to attend? Why not make one of these homemade diaper rash products, wrap in a cute package and gift it to the expectant mama? One thing’s for sure – she’ll be DELIGHTED!