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Marigold Magic

Marigold Magic
A few words about Calendula oil and how it benefits your skin!

Our skin is our ultimate protector, so it is vital that we protect our skin. There are so many products out there to pick from, it is difficult to know which will suit our skins styles and how they will help heal, if at all. Some products end up causing more irritation which leads to our further skin frustrations! Words of wisdom: it is always best to go back to basics and in this case, for natural skin go for a natural approach. Calling for Calendula oil!

Calendula oil comes from the beautiful marigold flowers. These flowers come from South Western Asia and the Northern Mediterranean. They are known as the annual flower (the little calendar from its Latin meaning 'calendar'). Marigolds tend to bloom once a month or each new moon. The flowers have had powerful symbolic meaning in many religions and traditional cultures throughout history. The Egyptians believed them to have had rejuvenating properties and in Hinduism they were displayed on statues of gods. The flowers are vivid and bright in colour, with bright red and yellow petals and this is why people believed them to hold powers of protection. Marigold is also associated to the Virgin Mary and was used to honour her in Catholic ceremonies. The natural oil, Calendula oil, which is distilled from the delicate and effective herb is perfect to use on skin of all types. It will give you that glow that will always show! The magic of marigold stays with us from ancient times into a modern, morning, must-have, skin ritual.

The hearsay of history is true, the cheerful Calendula (marigold), with its vibrancy and beauty, has healing tendencies.
It has been used throughout time to heal wounds and in particular help with skin irritations. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent, antifungal, antispasmodic, antiviral, and immunostimulant properties. It has these clever characteristics because it contains a complex compound known as triterpenoid. All of its powerful properties make Calendula oil extremely useful for disinfecting and treating all kinds of wounds including: cuts, scrapes, blemishes, sores, diaper rashes, stings, acne, hemorrhoids, burns, and more.

Baby oil

It is gentle enough for babies and therefore works wonders for nappy rash and any skin irritations little ones can suffer from. It heals cuts and wounds with its antiseptic nature, whilst also speeding up the process of healing wounds with its antimicrobial property. It works very well as a gentle diaper oil.

Dry skin issues

Calendula oil's many properties means that it can be used to benefit and battle any skin issue. It acts as a great moisturizers which helps with dry, chapped and split skin. It reduces pain and soreness. Calendula oil has been proven in recent studies to be effective on stubborn skin complaints such as mild eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. It can also help you to have happy feet, especially if your feet have not been having fun with fungi. It has anti-fungal properties which make it a medicine for things like athlete’s foot, warts and corns and ringworm


Calendula oil is distilled from the top of the marigold flower. It is extracted from the flower by steam distillation. You cannot obtain pure calendula oil as the full 100 percent cannot be distilled. It is instead an infusion. The distillation is carried out by use of olive oil, sweet almond oil or sunflower oil which is poured over the petals. Flowers are saturated with oil and left for 6 months. The herb is than drained and left in a dark cool place. It is important to find an oil which has been infused for 6 months. This means it has been distilled properly. Any shorter and the oil has not been distilled fully and may fail to fulfil its healing purpose. And probably Sweet Almond oil makes the best base oil for it too.

Nutrition for the skin

The marigolds pretty petals are filled with flavonoids which are found in vegetables and fruits. This means it’s full of nutrition, so effectively, it nourishes your skin and any sores your skin might be suffering from. It also cleverly produces collagen which helps cuts, wounds and other battle scars to heal quicker.

Stretch marks

You'll be happy to hear that this is particularly effective for those all annoying stretch marks we all have fury over. It is useful to note that Calendula oil contains a high content of antioxidants which include mucilage, carotenoids, saponin and quercetin. These contribute to cell regeneration. The science is simple: it helps our skin to resurface and heal.


The oil's tonic and anti-bacteria properties brightens skin and flushes away bacteria. Its anti-inflammatory action calms blemishes and sores whilst also act as a preventative. Regular use of Calendula oil massages you skin, to sooth and soften. It is also strong enough to help with stubborn wounds and works in a natural way to heal persistent skin irritations such as acne and ulcers. It also works to reduce inflammation, by its anti-inflammatory properties, this in turn helps with varicose veins and other uncomfortable swellings. Insect bites and acne particularly benefit from the oil's healing properties


Studies have recognised calendula as a healing herb, it is most recognised for healing of red, irritated and inflamed skin. It cools skin, calms skin and has an ability to ease pain. It heals and deals with a variety of skin ailments. It is a perfect alternative for those with sensitive skin, with its natural tendencies and is widely recognised to be safe, with no side effects. You don't want him to bring you flowers anymore, bring the oil from flowers and you'll skin will do the thanking for you!

