• 2310 443441 - 2310 444704
  • 09.00 - 16.30

Organic Beauty Cosmetics
Organic Beauty Products / Anti-Aging / Make Up / Hair Care / Essential Oils

ORDER BY PHONE 2310 443441 & 2310 444704

Ward off the Wrinkles with Rosehip Oil

Ward off the Wrinkles with Rosehip Oil
This Pressed Seed oil is extracted from the Seeds of a Rose Bush & its Uses range from Scar treatment to reducing the Appearance of Fine Lines & Wrinkles


Rosehip oil is packed with Vitamin C antioxidants - which stimulate collagen production. (Yes, the very same thing celebrities inject themselves with!) This smoothes out our skin and leaves us with a youthful, wrinkle-free face. The oil is great at getting really deep into the skin, leaving the pours thoroughly moisturised. Vitamin A is also a rosehip component, another rich moisturiser and sworn fighter of the wrinkle.

Scar Treatment

Fatty acids are brilliant at improving skin flexibility and permeability, and thankfully rosehip oil is full of them! These acids encourage the skin to regenerate, which is perfect on scar tissue where skin needs support to heal. Vitamin A also helps with skin repair, owing to its ability to improve skin texture and tone.


Rosehip oil contains Vitamin A which is vital for strengthening the nail cells, making them less likely to chip or break. Nails grow faster and thicker with rosehip oil, as well as repairing quicker if the inevitable break does happen.
Eczema, dermatitis and stretch marks

Rosehip oil gives the skin a really thorough nourish, completely re-hydrating the skin and allowing it to breathe. As well as being an essential oil for skin nourishment, rosehip oil generates new skin cells, making it a great cure for the damage caused by dermatitis, eczema and stretch marks.


Discover the magic of Rosehip Oil HERE!


