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Castor Oil For Hair Growth

Castor Oil For Hair Growth

Castor Oil For Hair Growth
Growing your hair, while keeping it healthy, is not a very difficult thing to do with the right care. But considering our lifestyles, the dirt, and the pollution, our long hair goals often seem unattainable. That is, unless you have a simple growth-boosting remedy up your sleeve.
While castor oil is well known for its amazing health benefits, and has been in use for centuries across industries, its benefits for hair often go unnoticed. The majority of its nutritional content is made up of ricinoleic acid, omega-6 and 9 fatty acids, vitamin E, and minerals. The oil is extracted from castor seeds through the process of pressing. It consists of a total of 18 fatty acids.

Castor oil’s antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties make it an effective treatment for scalp infections. Its high protein content makes it very valuable when it comes to maintaining hair health.
It also helps battle infections such as folliculitis, which is a condition that causes inflammation of the hair follicles. The unusually high content of ricinoleic acid in castor oil improves blood circulation at the scalp, ensuring better nutrition for the hair follicles.

Castor oil is becoming a popular remedy for hair loss and a helpful ingredient for hair regrowth. On an average, your hair grows by about half an inch every month. With the regular use of castor oil, hair growth can be boosted by three to five times the usual rate. It not only spurs hair growth, but the hair also becomes noticeably thicker within a few months of use . Castor oil is also used for the eyelashes and eyebrows to make them longer and thicker.
Benefits Of Castor Oil For Hair

Let’s take a look at a few benefits:
Controls Hair Fall
The ricinoleic acid present in castor oil improves blood circulation to your scalp. This, in turn, improves follicle and scalp health and reduces hair fall. It strengthens the roots of your hair by nourishing your scalp and providing protection against microbes.
Encourages Hair Regrowth
90% of castor oil’s nutritional content is made up of ricinoleic acid. This, combined with the omega- 6 and 9 fatty acids, penetrate the hair shafts and roots and nourish it, restoring its optimum health and boosting hair growth.
Treats Dandruff
Dandruff is usually caused by an underlying issue such as an oily scalp or itchiness. The antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties of castor oil make it an effective treatment for battling dandruff. Ricinoleic acid is also known to balance the pH of the scalp, making it healthier and an unfavorable environment for dandruff.
Reduces Split Ends
Castor oil is known to fill in the damaged gaps of keratin in the hair shaft. It, therefore, increases the tensile strength of the hair, making it less prone to splitting and breakage.
Thickens Hair
Castor oil penetrates the outer layer of the hair shaft. The added regrowth and reduced hair fall make your hair thicker and stronger.
Is A Natural Conditioner
As we mentioned above, the oil penetrates the outer layer of the hair and fills in any damaged spots of keratin. This process, by itself, smoothes the hair by restoring the hair cuticles. It also makes the shafts less prone to the loss of moisture.