• 2310 443441 - 2310 444704
  • 09.00 - 16.30

Organic Beauty Cosmetics
Organic Beauty Products / Anti-Aging / Make Up / Hair Care / Essential Oils

ORDER BY PHONE 2310 443441 & 2310 444704


ORGANICBRANDS e-shop ensures optimal security during your shopping through this website. The following list of conditions that govern the rights and obligations of ORGANICBRANDS e-shop to all of you visiting the website, aims your information regarding your rights and obligations on the one hand and on the other hand to provide you with better service to your research and purchase of any goods you are interested in buying from ORGANICBRANDS e-shop.



All content of the this site such as text, graphics, logos, photos, Banners, web design are ORGANICBRANDS e-shop's property and is protected by the Greek and International Law. Content of the site and the site of ORGANICBRANDS.GR e-shop itself cannot be reproduced, copied, sold or resold without the written consent of ORGANICBRANDS.GR e-shop. Any usage of the name, logo or any other asset belonging to ORGANICBRANDS.GR e-shop cannot be used for promotion or advertisement purposes as well as for any kind of exploitation of fame or clientele without our written consent.



When payment by credit card has been chosen, credit card transactions are made with EUROBANK's security system, which uses the protocol Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), encrypted with 128bit (the most powerful one), for secure on-line sale transactions. This way all personal information is encrypted so they cannot be read or changed through Internet use.



Product return is accepted when:

  • The product is in its original condition.
  • The product packaging has not been opened or unsealed.
  • The product in not dirty or corrupted.

Contact our online store to the phone number +30 2310443441  if the product has not been used and is accompanied by all necessary documents that prove the transaction. Since the above conditions are satisfied you will be able to return the product.

Wrong product return

If the product that has been delivered to you is wrong (ie not a product of your order) you may contact our online store to the phone number +30 2310443441 within ten (10) days from its date of receipt to schedule the wrong product's return free of charge (all costs will be borne by the ORGANICBRANDS online store) and agree upon the money return or the delivery of the correct product (including delivery costs).



Some of your personal data are required in order to make a transaction. When you place an order, we will ask you about your full name, the delivery address, your phone number (or any phone number that can be used for your convenience), your e-mail address etc. The «company», strictly following the principles of data protection provided by laws and international conventions, will never use this information without your approval. The «company» may not reveal, publish, sell or redeem your personal data and information in any way. You can also change the personal information you have provided at any time. The company can send you if you wish promotional and/or informational messages to your electronic or mailing address.



  • Content and information that are included in ORGANICBRANDS online store’s webpage may contain typographic mistakes, errors in digits, etc. for which ORGANICBRANDS online store holds no responsibility while in any case has the right to renew the terms and conditions of the transactions, information content, products and their prices as well as the services provides without any prior notice.

    ORGANICBRANDS online store is obligated to update this document for any changes.
  • The information provided by this webpage must not substitute any medical advice or opinion. Nutritional supplements are not substitutes for a balanced diet. Ingredients' properties are based on bibliography and scientific research.
  • ORGANICBRANDS online store makes effort to accurately display the products offered and to provide information about product ingredients and their properties. However, the actual product may differ due to differences on each user's screen. If such a case, ORGANICBRANDS online store holds no responsibility. ORGANICBRANDS online store do not guarantee in any way the integrity, completeness of information provided and the absence of any errors. Therefore, ORGANIC BRANDS online store visitors using services on their own initiative, assume responsibility for crosschecking the information provided.
  • ORGANICBRANDS online store is not liable to its customers/users for any damages resulting from no executing an order due to their own fault.
  • ORGANICBRANDS online store holds no responsibility for any defecting or poor quality products offered to its customers, since all products are received full packaged by their suppliers and we store them according to the manufacturer's instructions. If there is a proof that a defective product is included in the delivered quantities, the user has the right to ask for replacement of the defective product free of charge.
  • Order confirmation means that:
    - You have read and understand the hereof terms and completely accept them.
    - The products are for your own consumption or for the person’s to be delivered to. Promoting and reselling the products is forbidden.
    - It is your responsibility to give accurate personal data.
    - You are the legal owner of the credit card used for your transaction (in case it belongs to someone else you must have his/her consent for the transaction) and the credit card has not been cancelled or banned of use in any way.
    - The email address you have provide and use belongs to you, is accurate and active.
    - You take full responsibility when connecting to the eshop since you are aware of the fact that it is possible to harm your computer and/or software (i.e. from viruses).



All transaction made though ORGANICBRANDS online store are governed by the current European and Greek Law which regulates all matters related to electronic commerce (Οδηγία 2000/31/ΕΚ, ΠΔ 131/2003) and by the relevant international conventions and the Consumer Protection Law (N. 2251/1994) which regulates matters relating to distance selling.

Any dispute in accordance with the law or justice that results from this contract or because of this will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Thessaloniki.

For any legal issues concerning the ORGANICBRANDS online store GOULIELMOS & ASSOCIATES LAW OFFICE is responsible.


TEL: +30 2310 240.224

TEL: +30 210 339.2000

E-mail : info@goulielmos.com