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7 Tips to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

7 Tips to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

The prevention of stretch marks is the first need of pregnant women! As 50 to 90% of mothers-to-be, you may face the appearance of these small unsightly streaks. Signs of maternity, of course, but here are a few tips to prevent them:


Rule # 1: An Appropriate Lifestyle!


  • Eat what is good for your skin

A balanced diet is good for you but also for your skin and ... for your baby. This means to eat everything and in reasonable quantities, while focusing on food groups that supply fatty acids. Those omega-3 and -6 hold the structure of the skin together and are not naturally produced by the body. Hence; they should incorporated into meals to help keeping the skin elastic and firm.

Olive, grape seed and nut oils contain a high content of omega 3 fatty acids and are also a source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that preserves the skin. Nuts, seeds, avocados and fatty fish (salmon) are also rich in vitamin E whereas fruits and vegetables contain a high content of antioxidants.

Finally, vitamin A is a liposoluble vitamin that contributes to the keratin regulation. Keratin is a substance that forms the upper layer of the skin, but also nails and hair), and also prevents the skin from being dry and rough. You will find it in yellow and orange-coloured fruits and vegetables as well as fatty substances as butter or margarine for example. Note: do not forget that margarine and butter contain the same fat amount! ;-)


  • Drink water

Water cleanses the body, but also strengthens your cells. Indeed, a good hydration guarantees a hydrated skin. So, drink as much as possible! If you do not see the end of your 1.5 L daily bottle of water, prefer fruits and vegetables rich in water, or even drink tea. On the other hand, pay attention to caffeine which has a diuretic effect and promotes dehydration.


  • Exercise

Sport stimulates blood circulation and improves skin elasticity. Choose between yoga, walking, swimming for example… and make sure to check with your doctor first. 


  • Gradual weight gain

Rapid weight gain (and weight loss) can promote the formation of stretch marks. This is the case during pregnancy but also during puberty or diets.  
During pregnancy, the best is to try to increase your weight gradually, by eating reasonably, without depriving yourself.


Rule # 2: Take care of your skin to prevent stretch marks


  • A gentle and regular skin exfoliation

We advise a gentle exfoliation, once a week, on sensitive areas and where stretch marks can appear. The exfoliation removes dead skin to promote regeneration of the skin cells.


  • Moisturize and massage your skin

The best is to massage daily, even morning and evening, on areas prone to stretch marks: in your tummy, bum, hips and legs and the zones where the marks could appear.

You can opt for La Surdouée from Omum:-), which is a dry oil specially designed for pregnant women. Rich in essential fatty acids, it improves skin elasticity, nourishes and helps to regenerate itself to resist!


  • Apply sun protection

Although this recommendation is still valid for everyone, it is especially valid for pregnant women. Without sunscreen, stretch marks will be much more visible after sun exposure. Opt for a suncream that is free from chemical filters.